Some Important Full forms for Competitive Exams

Some Important Full forms for Competitive Exams

 1. CIBMS - Comprehensive Integrated Border Management system.

 2. COMCASA - Communications, Compatibility & Security Agreement.

3. FOCAC - Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.

4. IPPB - India Post Payments Bank

5. ITAT - Income Tax Appelate Tribunal.

6. NCPCR - National Commission for Protection of Child Rights.

7. NCSK - National Commission for Safai Karamcharis.

8. NCTE - National Founcil for Teacher Education.

9. NFHS - National Family Health Survey.

10. NJDG - National Judicial Data Grid.

11. NRTI - National Rail and Transport Institute.

12. NTTO - National Travel and Trade Office.

13. PHED - Public Health Engineering Department.

14. TIFF - Toronto International Film Festival.

15. UNRWA - United Nation Relief and Works Agency.

16. WAN - Wide Area Network.

17. WPI - Wholesale Price Index.


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